
Located at the western end of the 5 islands that form the central group, Faial Island has been side by side with Pico at every step of its journey. The famous and international port of Horta helped to export Pico wine and improved the development of this industry. As a major tourist attraction, the Horta marina has brought a lot of traffic to the island, as it is a connecting point between America and Europe. The island's geographic location contributed to the development of telecommunications. Submarine cables from Germany, England and North America were installed in Faial. It developed the reception and transmission of global communications, bringing Faial closer to the world, especially during the Second World War.

Walking through the city center of Horta, you can see the influence of Flemish culture, the first people who settled on the island, and the impact on its history over the years. When visiting Faial you will notice a huge contrast on the island, on one side full of flowering vegetation, and on the other side completely dry and without flowers. From the blue hydrangeas to the best view of Pico, the panorama changes completely when visiting Capelinhos, the place where the last volcanic eruption occurred in the Azores.


The eruption of the Capelinhos volcano in 1957, which lasted thirteen months, forever changed the lives of the inhabitants of this island, and due to this situation many inhabitants decided to emigrate to America and Canada. Today, the Capelinhos area is unmissable, the entire scene is a life lesson and a demonstration of the reality experienced in the Azores. The Ex-libris of Faial, the Caldeira crater, is a natural reserve located at 1,043m, where you can find, in perfect condition, the natural vegetation representative of the Azores on this island before its settlement, a flora sanctuary full of laurel forest vegetation , and a small lagoon at the bottom, surprises anyone who looks at this beautiful setting.