
It is very difficult to describe the island of Pico and not mention its iconic mountain, not only because they have the same name, but also because the peak represents the island in several ways. Seen very clearly from the other islands in the triangle, Faial and São Jorge, Pico Mountain is the highest in Portugal, reaching 2351m and becomes a real challenge for adventurous hikers. On clear days, the stunning view from the top of its summit is indescribable and very rewarding, which will give you a feeling of immensity. When you visit Pico, get as close as possible to the mountain, watching it get bigger and bigger before your eyes, and go down to sea level to enjoy the landscape and the typical rustic houses.

Pico wine is a product recognized and certified for its quality, making wine growing a very important activity on the island and the center of life for many families. The vineyards set between loose stone walls were recognized as part of a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2002. If the climb to Pico mountain seems like too much of a challenge, there are many other trails on the island, walking alongside beautiful lagoons or amongst the scenery. incredible vineyard. The Pico wine tasting is also part of the experience, as it gives even more meaning to your visit.


The history of whaling is still very present in the lives of the locals, there is a very present memory of what those days meant to them as a way of survival. Men would gather together to hunt while their families stayed ashore, hoping they would return with a bonus. A tradition that continued for more than 100 years became the center of the local economy and culture with artisanal techniques until 1984, when hunting was banned. Even today, the sea and its wild animals are a great passion for Pico residents. Today they dedicate themselves with great enthusiasm to cetacean observation and proudly show visitors how immense and graceful these animals are.